A Lifetime with Woman's Best Friend and Purina at Target + Coupon Code!

Disclosure: This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #GrowingUpPurina #CollectiveBias

Hey, y'all! Today I'm sharing Murphy's new food with y'all as well as speaking about Purina, a brand that's been around but I only recently realized had what I wanted in a dog food. Purina cares about pets, pets are actually their passion and making sure that the food you feed your pets keeps them living long and healthy lives. Now check out this adorable picture of Murphy first discovering his new food, Purina® ONE® Smartblend Sensitive Systems Formula. Check out Target's full line of Purina products here!

Murphy is a rescue that we've had for almost a year and is 15 months old. He came from a literal farm (horses, pastures, the whole gig). He was there with a ton of other dogs, including his own litter. Because it was a farm, the dogs used the bathroom wherever they wanted, ate and drank out of huge buckets, etc. The biggest struggle we had when bringing him into our home was getting him used to the inside. Mostly, feeding and bathroom time, and really it was the feeding issues more than the bathroom. How do you tell a dog that used to eat whenever he wanted that he has to eat only out of his bowl and only his food? Short answer, you don't. You struggle for weeks and months to get him to realize that only his bowl has his food and that he can't eat his brother's food, even though it's just sitting there. Cue sad puppy faces. That's why I was so excited when he got old enough to not be on puppy food, at least one less issue, or so I thought. 

Then the next hurdle, a dog that has a sensitive stomach and struggles with a ton of food out there. Now, we have the eating out of his own bowl situated and thanks to Purina's Sensitive Solutions Formula, we have the stomach issues handled as well, and I know it's safe because Purina is leading the industry in safety standards and they've been around for over 85 years, that's at least five pupper lifetimes! Purina even has over 500 scientists across the world working on their pet food formulas! Find out more information at purina.com and sign up for the 28 day challenge on purinaone.com, you'll even get a $3 off coupon for your Purina ONE purchase!

Do you know how awkward and difficult it is to get a picture in a busy Target and not have people in it, but also not get kicked out of the store?! I awkwardly walked around this aisle until the coast was clear. Even with all of that, I always have fun shopping at Target for pupper things. Because my boys are my babies, I spoil the heck out of them. 

Finally, I'd like to show you Murphy's favorite spot in the house. He loves sitting on this side of the chair, propped up at watching us until he can't keep his eyes open any longer. With Purina, I'm planning on him sitting here staring (only ever so slightly judgmentally) for a long, long time!


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