Barkbox - March 2018 | Frankly Kiersten Reviews

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What is BarkBox?: BarkBox is a monthly subscription box for your favorite pupper. Each box includes five items, two toys, two bags of treats, and a chew. You tell them the size of your pupper and how you want to pay, and then you decide if you want to spend an extra $9/box for an extra toy! It's divided into three sizes, so Trumpet fits nicely in the middle category as 'Just Right.'

How Much is BarkBox?: If you want no commitments, cancel anytime, the box is $29/month. A three-month commitment brings it down to $25/month. Six months is $23/month (billed up-front as $138) and a one-year commitment is $20/month but you get to pay monthly! You get free shipping anywhere in the US and Canada, but there is sales tax applied to certain states. 

Another month where I lost the picture of Trumpet with his box. Picture this: he looked grumpy.

This month was another normal box.

Theme card.

Primary Collars Palette ($10.00) - I love this name. The little puff balls didn't last long but the toy was pretty good for tossing and attempting at fetch (I say attempt because they understand the fetching the toy but don't quite always get the part where they're supposed to give it back.)

Bob Toss the Squirrel ($10.00) - Hehehe. Bob Ross. I got a huge giggle out of this toy. It's adorable, the squirrels are adorable, I love everything about it. The little paint brush was killed rather quickly and his hair was everywhere, but it was well loved while it lasted.

Buffalo Recipe Chews ($3.00) - These are a little too hard for Trumpet's taste. I gave it away to someone that has bigger dogs that loves these. (Yes, it's one person that always gets these types of things. She rescues/fosters and has her own dogs and I always make sure to pass along any pupper extras to her.

Starry Bites ($5.00) - These are a bit bigger treats, almost the size of a chew. Therefore and much to Trumpet's irritation, they were broken into smaller pieces so they lasted longer. Instant hit.

Surreally Good Treats ($5.00) - Bison and Bacon, what a combo! These are definitely the meaty and chewy treats that Trumpet has come to know and love. Another hit.

This box was valued at $33.00, and I LOVED it. The theme is cute, everything went together, and their team that does puns deserves a raise. Everything about this box was perfect.

As always, let me know what you thought of this box in the comments!


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