Literary Lacquers - The Golden Afternoon Review

Hi, everyone! This is the review for one of the polishes from the Alice in Lacquerland collection by Literary Lacquers. If you're looking for the home post for this collection, click here! This collection was inspired by Alice in Wonderland (obviously) and has six total polishes plus the GWP one.

For a reminder on the details, the collection drops at noon MT on December 26th and if you make a $48 purchase between then and January 5th, you will receive the Gift with Purchase polish! 

Now, The Golden Afternoon!

The Golden Afternoon is a glittery metallic yellow gold.

Brush macro.

Bottle macro.

Glossy nail macro.

I really love this polish, I only wish my nails didn't have so many ridges (or that I could find a ridge-filling base that really worked). The polish itself is gorgeous and you'll be a-okay as long as you don't have super ridgey nails like I do!

I love the glittery flakes in this polish! They add such a nice texture to the polish and the metallic-y goodness is like liquid gold!

Matte nail macro.

Eh, this polish is a little....lame with the matte to pcoat. All of the ridges on my nails show and you don't get any of the holographic goodness.

Formula: Good.
Coats for Opacity: Three thin coats.
Ease of Dry: Normal.
Texture: Some noted, possibly from the flakes.
Finish: Shine.

As always, let me know what you thought of this polish in the comments!


Literary Lacquers - Always Tea Time Review


BeautyCon Box - Spring Review