Pet Gift Box - June 2016 + Coupon Code!

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. This box was sent in exchange for a review, all opinions are my own.

What is Pet Gift Box?: Pet Gift Box is a monthly pet subscription box, with the option of dogs or cats! For dogs, there's three options for size and you tell them the name and gender of your pet, regardless of cat or dog.

How Much is Pet Gift Box?: Pet Gift Box is $28.99/month and gets less expensive with longer subscriptions. Get 50% off with code rambling off your first box! Now you can sign up for a year, but still pay month-to-month, only $18.99/month!

See more Pet Gift Box reviews here!

This was sent to me at the end of June, which is why it's just now getting reviewed. I wanted Trumpet to play with both toys separately to see how he liked them.

Shipping box, customized as always.

The theme for June was Gone Fishing, which is definitely Summery! I don't fish, but that's because my hair doesn't enjoy humidity and so I end up looking like an 80's movie reject. 

Salmon Mango Fish Bone ($3.99) - Don't let this fool you, this is a massive bone! So large, in fact, that we broke it up and gave it to Trumpet in several pieces over a few days. He definitely enjoyed it, but I could tell that it was a little on the hard side for his liking. It didn't smell fishy, which is always a pleasant thing for me!

Gone Fishin' Toy ($8.99) - Ah, the burlap toy. Typically when we buy toys, they suffer a massive internal explosion five minutes into Trumpet having them. This one, surprisingly, lasted nearly a week. I'm not sure if it's because he's finally realized playing fetch doesn't mean we aren't taking the toy away forever or if he's stopped being as destructive, but I would definitely buy more of these if I could find them online. Plus, it's a cute fishy, who can say no?

Scoochie Catch of the Day ($14.99) - Poor Trumpet thought this was a real fish, so he was less inclined to play and more to protect it. I think that's absolutely adorable, and I really wish I could find this online to purchase to get him another. It did succumb to the internal explosion that all toys tend to do, but he was exceptionally sad about it afterwards. 

Ocean Sushi ($12.99) - I admit, these make up for the other treats not being fishy. They actually smelled fishy even while in the bag, so I put them in a reusable container to hide some of the smell. Thankfully, Trumpet loved these so they were never expected to last long.

Barkworthies Salmon Skin ($3.49) - This is the only item that Trumpet seemed to have zero interest in. I ended up passing this along to my mom for their big dog, which is always willing to chew on something new (even things he might not supposed to chew). Trumpet didn't miss it, he's happy, win-win.

The June Pet Gift Box was valued at $35.95, which is over the cost of the box ($28.99). You could have even gotten half off that with code 'rambling,' and made it even less expensive by choosing a yearly subscription!

What was your favorite item of the box? Let me know in the comments!


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