Graze - Calorie Counter Box

It's here, my first Calorie Counter Box from Graze! Alongside the Nibblebox, they are now offering (or perhaps they have been and I never realized it before) a Calorie Counter Box. You get the same four snacks in your box, but all snacks have between 50 and 150 calories. I have both my Nibblebox and my Calorie Counter Box in the same account, so I don't have to review snacks twice. They still follow your dislikes, tries, likes, and loves; but keep calories low!

Like I've mentioned before, you can get the box weekly, biweekly, or more often if you prefer, and it's always $6/box. Using my referral link, you can get your first and fifth boxes free. You can also cancel at anytime, and review items to decide if you want to get them again or never. Also, you can review items you haven't already gotten if you know you aren't going to like it and change the option to 'trash' and they are less likely to send it. That makes me seriously happy because I hate to see food wasted and don't want to get things that I know no one in my family will eat.

More boxes with the Fourth of July theme! I love the theme and hope they continue sending theme boxes!

This week's box included Cherries & Berries, Banana Caramel Dippers, Lightly Toasted Pistachios, and Popping Corn with a Twist of Black Pepper. The Cherries & Berries are amazing, but I'm very partial to getting this kind of thing, definitely a 'love!' The Banana Caramel Dippers are definitely for my fiance, but I hijacked a dipper because these are amazing as well. The Pistachios are all for my fiance, just because I don't like any kind of pistachio. The popcorn is for our next movie night, for sure! We love getting popcorn and this is a small enough portion that we don't feel bad about having candy as well!

Did anyone else get Graze? Which one did you get? Anything interesting, good or bad, in it?


Ipsy Glam Bag - July 2014


Ellagee Review #1