Geekish Glitter Lacquer - I Love Halloween Review | Frankly Kiersten Reviews

  Disclosure: I am an admin for Geekish Glitter Lacquer's Facebook Group. All opinions are my own, find out more here.

This is from GGL's recently created (and by recently I mean three months old) Patreon (linked below!). I'm a patron to get both polishes so just wait for the other October polish, and don't give me flack for being so behind! :D

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Check out more Geekish Glitter Lacquer reviews here!

I Love Halloween is rich eggplant purple shade.

Brush macro.

Bottle macro.

Glossy nail macro.

Such a good jelly polish, and the purple shade is the best shade of royalty I've seen in a while.

I used three coats and this was mostly opaque. It dried down smooth and to a shine finish.

Matte nail macro.

With the matte top coat, it appears to be completely opaque!

Formula: Good.
Coats for Opacity: Three coats.
Ease of Dry: Normal dry.
Texture: None noted.
Finish: Shine.
Removal: No issues noted.
Top Coat Used: Glossy/Matte.

As always, let me know what you thought of this polish in the comments!


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