Whatcha Indie Polish - Corpse of the Dungeon Review | May 2021 Polished Gamers Box | Frankly Kiersten Reviews

 Disclosure: I am a paid employee of Polished Gamers Box. All opinions are my own, find out more here. 

Another from the Indie Games PGB box! This is inspired by Dead Cells. I've never heard of that, but I'm curious.

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Corpse of the Dungeon is an ultramarine jelly base with shimmer and flakes iridescent.

Brush macro.

Bottle macro.

Glossy nail macro.

I love these flakies, they're just stunning. The base is also super good, it's a stunning blue-ish purple (indigo?).

I used three coats and this was mostly opaque. It dried down slightly textured and to a shine finish.

Matte nail macro.

Matte, this is pretty. It's better glossy because the matte top coat seems to make the flakes lose something somehow.

Formula: Good.
Coats for Opacity: Three coats, mostly opaque.
Ease of Dry: Normal dry.
Texture: None noted.
Finish: Shine.
Removal: No issues noted.
Top Coat Used: Glossy/Matte.

As always, let me know what you thought of this polish in the comments!


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