Notoriously Morbid Multichrome Monthly - June 2021 Review | Frankly Kiersten Reviews

   What is Notoriously Morbid's Multichrome Monthly?: Multichrome Monthly is the latest monthly subscription bag by Notoriously Morbid where each month you will receive receive one full size multichrome varying from semi loose, loose powder, shifting multichrome sparkles AND one other full size companion product.

There is a waitlist for Multichrome Monthly.

How Much is Notoriously Morbid's Multichrome Monthly?: Multichrome Monthly is $15.50 shipped in the United States. International is $22.50 shipped.

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As always, the packaging is the same.

Info card.

Nastyman (Multichrome) is a kelly green based semi-loose multichrome that shifts green to blue to pink.
I love this green and while I don't wear a ton of greens, I love the shift so much that I'm going to try to find a use for this.

Wonderboy (Eyeshadow) is an azure blue semi-loose shimmer shadow with shifting red flakes.
This is a super pretty blue but not a shade that I can see myself wearing. I really need to destash my shadows that I'm not wearing because my drawers are getting full of products I'm not using


Overall, this bag was mixed for me. It wasn't my favorite and the shadows didn't really go together either, which I'd like to see out of this (and all makeup) bag(s). 

As always, let me know what you thought of this bag in the comments below!


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