Geekish Glitter Lacquer - Realm of Madness Review | April 2021 Polished Gamers Box | Frankly Kiersten Reviews

Disclosure: I am an admin for Geekish Glitter Lacquer's Facebook Group and am a paid employee of Polished Gamers Box. All opinions are my own, find out more here.

This is from the April PGB and the theme was The Elder Scrolls. I've never played it, so I'm lost on references. 

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Realm of Madness is flakie bomb of mixed UCC and iridescent flakies and a blue-pink-purple shifting shimmer.

Brush macro.

Bottle macro.

Glossy nail macro.

I love me a good flakie bomb, they just create the best shifts! And the shimmer is stunning with a glossy top coat.

I used three coats and this wasn't opaque. It dried down smooth and to a shine finish.

Matte nail macro.

I love this matte, it's just such a good flakie-filled polish.

Formula: Very good.
Coats for Opacity: Three coats, not opaque.
Ease of Dry: Normal dry.
Texture: None noted.
Finish: Shine.
Removal: No issues noted.
Top Coat Used: Glossy/Matte.

As always, let me know what you thought of this polish in the comments!


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