Notoriously Morbid Mystic Monthly - April 2021 Review | Frankly Kiersten Reviews

   What is Notoriously Morbid Mystic Monthly?: Mystic Monthly is a new monthly subscription from Notoriously Morbid featuring the legendary Mystic Mattes liquid lipsticks. Each year has a theme (2021 is Vampires) and each month comes with one full-size limited-edition Mystic Matte and one additional full-size lip product.

How Much is Mystic Monthly?: Mystic Monthly is $12 in the US (including shipping) and $18 for those international (also including shipping).

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Two lipstick tubes this month! Let's dive in.

Info sheet.

No Salvation (Mystic Matte) is a dark, black based garnet mystic with a metallic sheen and shifting flecks. Flavored in Grand Marnier, Apricot, and Sea Salt Caramel.
This is super pretty, I love the base and it's just red enough for me to want to wear it. I don't know that I'll get a ton of wear out of it this Summer but come fall, catch me wearing this under my mask.

Macro of No Salvation.

Swatch of No Salvation.

Rejected Resignation (Alchemy Changeling Lip Topper) is a rose gold based topper with shifting gold, orange, red, purple, and pink sparkles.
Flavored in White Chocolate.
I love this as a topper but it's also super pretty to pop over my bare lips to have some shimmer without a ton of pigment!

Overall, I really liked this month's bag. The lipstick shade is gorgeous and I sure do love this topper!

As always, let me know what you thought of this month's bag in the comments below.


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