Northern Star Polish - My Log Does Not Judge Review | April 2021 Polish Pickup | Frankly Kiersten Reviews

 Disclosure: I received this polish in exchange for a review, all opinions are my own. Find out more here.

Hi, y'all. I know I've been pretty MIA, I've been struggling with depression and being super stressed, I will try to be better.

This polish is $10.50 and is inspired by Twin Peaks and The Log Lady. It does have a cap of 100. 

Polish Pickup is a monthly polish shopping extravaganza! Each month, there's a new theme (voted on by group members) and makers individually decide if they want to participate and create their own polish to meet the theme. This month, the store is open from 1/1-1/4, and you can buy as many or as few polishes as you want. The shipping is $3.00 total (US) ($5.00 Canada), no matter how many polishes or other indie goodies you get, and they combine shipping if you make more than one order during the weekend! 

Polish Pickup's info:

Northern Star Polish's Info:

My Log Does Not Judge is dark brown creme with gold and pink shimmer.

Brush macro.

Bottle macro.

Glossy nail macro.

I wasn't sure how I'd feel about this when I first saw it in the bottle, but oh gosh that shimmer is amazing.

I used two coats and this polish was fully opaque. It dried down smooth and to a shine finish.

Matte nail macro.

I much prefer this polish shiny.

Formula: Very good.
Coats for Opacity: Two coats, mostly opaque.
Ease of Dry: Normal dry.
Texture: None noted.
Finish: Shine.
Removal: No issues noted.
Top Coat Used: Glossy/Matte.

As always, let me know what you thought of this polish in the comments!


Jior Couture - It's a Different World Review | April 2021 Polish Pickup | Frankly Kiersten Reviews


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