Notoriously Morbid Mystic Monthly - January 2021 Review | Frankly Kiersten Reviews

 What is Notoriously Morbid Mystic Monthly?: Mystic Monthly is a new monthly subscription from Notoriously Morbid featuring the legendary Mystic Mattes liquid lipsticks. Each year has a theme (2020 is Mythical and Mystical Creatures) and each month comes with one full-size limited-edition Mystic Matte and one additional full-size lip product.

How Much is Mystic Monthly?: Mystic Monthly is $12 in the US (including shipping) and $18 for those international (also including shipping).

Click here for more Notoriously Morbid reviews!

Finally, we have the Mystic Monthly by Notoriously Morbid on my blog!

Info sheet.

Orlok (Mystic Matte) is a deep matte grey. Flavored blueberry acai and saltwater taffy.
This isn't a lipstick that I could see myself wearing so I didn't swatch it. Moving forward, I'm only swatching lipsticks I think I'll keep to better be able to donate them.

Symphony of Horror (Cursed Crystal Shifting Eye & Lip Topper) is a topper shifting from gold to green to blue to purple with green, blue, and silver sparkles.
This is super pretty but I have a ton of toppers and I rarely use them, so I'm passing this along.

Overall, this month was ultimately a bust for me. 

As always, let me know what you thought of this month's bag in the comments below!


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