Nailed It - Backyard Botanist Review | December 2020 Polished Gamers Box | Frankly Kiersten Reviews

 Disclosure: I am a paid employee of Polished Gamers, I run the Instagram page. Find out more information here.

Another polish from the Stardew Valley Box! PGB is about to open up again, make sure you're following along!

Backyard Botanist is jade green base with pink to gold shimmer, a scattered linear holo, and holo micro flakies.

Brush macro.

Bottle macro.

Glossy nail macro.

I love this jade base and the pink shimmer is stunning. This is just such a pretty polish!

I used two coats and this was fully opaque. It dried down smooth and to a shine finish.

Matte nail macro.

I like this matte but glossy is where it's at!

Formula: Very good.
Coats for Opacity: Two coats.
Ease of Dry: Normal dry.
Texture: Some noted.
Finish: Shine.
Removal: No major issues noted.
Top Coat Used: Glossy/Matte.

As always, let me know what you thought of this polish in the comments!


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