Barkbox - November 2020 (Just Right) Review | Frankly Kiersten Reviews

  Links below are referral links. This means if you click my link and make a purchase of Barkbox, I will get a free box in return. Find out more info here.

What is BarkBox?: BarkBox is a monthly subscription box for your favorite pupper. Each box includes five items, two toys, two bags of treats, and a chew. You tell them the size of your pupper and how you want to pay, and then you decide if you want to spend an extra $9/box for an extra toy! It's divided into three sizes, Small, Just Right, and Large. We receive the Just Right size even though Trumpet is on the higher end of that and Murphy is large because the Large toys were just too big for Trumpet.

How Much is BarkBox?: If you want no commitments, cancel anytime, the box is $29/month. A three-month commitment brings it down to $25/month. Six months is $23/month (billed up-front as $138) and a one-year commitment is $22/month but you get to pay monthly! You get free shipping anywhere in the US and Canada, but there is sales tax applied to certain states. It states a guaranteed value of $40 but it never meets that guarantee. 

Click here for more Barkbox reviews!

Why are we showing a picture of Murphy on Trumpet's birthday month post? Because Trumpet refused to cooperate, that's why.

Mashed Puptatoes ($10.00) - Super cute, love the colors and the fluffy white bits. High approval from Murphy, who loved shredding the fluff.

Oven-Barked Turkey ($10.00) - Trumpet loved this and that the can came out so he had a toy to play with when Murphy took the turkey.

Duck a la Mutt/Lamb Chomps ($5.00/ea) - These were chewy and meaty, although recently Trumpet has been preferring his Bark Organix cookies over these, which is weird!

Pork Stick ($3.00) - The funniest thing about these is we've started eating Chomps and the boys think the full-size Chomps are these and they try to steal them from us! I have plenty of these because of a recent order, but I'm always happy to see these in a box!

Birthday Cake - Happy birthday, Trumpet! I paid $10 extra for this, but it's worth it to spoil them with something bad for them sometimes. It's a birthday, after all!

The box was valued at $33! I loved the Thanksgiving theme and super love the chance to buy a cute Birthday Cake for Trumpet!

As always, let me know what you thought of this box in the comments below!


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