The Howling Boutique's Supermoon Lacquer - Beta Lupi Review | Frankly Kiersten Reviews
I am an admin for The Howling Boutique's Facebook Group and I also run the Instagram account. I also received this at a blogger discount and do receive PR from time to time from the brand. Find out more info here.
Hey, y'all. Back again with another Supermoon Lacquer polish. I have a ton of these and am working on reswatching them so there will be one a week for the foreseeable future.
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Find more Supermoon Lacquer reviews here!
Beta Lupi is a dark forest green with magenta-to-gold multichrome shimmer.
Brush macro.
Bottle macro.
Glossy nail macro.
Oh gosh, my nails were so short here. It's been so long since I did this set of swatches and I've been pretty good about growing out my nails recently so I'm more happy with the length.
I used one coat and this polish was fully opaque. It dried down easily and without texture.
Matte nail macro.
Yeah, this polish is so much better with a glossy top coat. Just my opinion, though, like everything is.
Formula: Very good.
Coats for Opacity: One.
Ease of Dry: Normal dry.
Texture: None noted.
As always, let me know what you thought of this polish in the comments!