Heaven Scent - The Unicorn Lived in a Lilac Wood Roll-On Perfume Review | February 2020 Polish Pickup | Frankly Kiersten Reviews

Disclosure: I received this in exchange for a review. Find out more information here.

Hi, y'all, it's bonus post time. I'm back with a Polish Pickup post for this month, but with a twist. I was sent a roll-on perfume to try out this month and so rather than seeing my nails this post, you'll see some sparkly macros. This perfume is $9.00 and there is no cap.

The inspiration for this is The Last Unicorn and the name is a line from the book.

Polish Pickup (which has been combined with Indie Pickup) is a monthly indie shopping extravaganza! Each month, there's a new theme (voted on by group members) and makers individually decide if they want to participate and create their own polish to meet the theme. The February 2020 theme is Flora and Fauna. This month, the store is open from 2/7-2/10, and you can buy as many or as few items as you want. The shipping is $3.00 total, no matter how many polishes you get, and they combine shipping if you make more than one order during the weekend! 

Heaven Scent's Info:

The Unicorn Lived in the Wood is a apples and oak + lilac scented perfume leaning more on the apple & oak.

I figured I'd start with showing you the sparkles and the color the perfume is. I love the scent so much. It reminds me of a good, fresh apple but with a floral twist. Neither scent overpowers the other and once it wore on me for a while, the woodiness really came out. 

Just a note on the fill line, mine did leak in transit. The maker has made a change to how product will be shipped out when PPU happens. 


Wet macro.

Blended out macro. You can really see how the sparkles are there but not so sparkly that you are a vampire in Twilight. This would be stunning on your shoulders and collarbone for the sparkle, or put on your wrists for the scent.

This is an oil base but unlike so many other oil perfumes I've tried, this actually soaks into the skin and doesn't leave an oily residue and it didn't give me the lovely oil transfer that has ruined countless shirts!

Overall, I really loved this month's offering by Heaven Scent. I love trying out new items and loved that this was something different for me to try out. This has been put in my perfume holder thing for regular usage!

As always, let me know what you thought of this item in the comments!


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