Barkbox (Just Right) - September 2019 Review | Frankly Kiersten Reviews

Links below are referral links. This means if you click my link and make a purchase of Barkbox, I will get a free box in return. Find out more info here.

What is BarkBox?: BarkBox is a monthly subscription box for your favorite pupper. Each box includes five items, two toys, two bags of treats, and a chew. You tell them the size of your pupper and how you want to pay, and then you decide if you want to spend an extra $9/box for an extra toy! It's divided into three sizes, so Trumpet fits nicely in the middle category as 'Just Right' whereas Murphy firmly fits in 'large.'

How Much is BarkBox?: If you want no commitments, cancel anytime, the box is $29/month. A three-month commitment brings it down to $25/month. Six months is $23/month (billed up-front as $138) and a one-year commitment is $22/month but you get to pay monthly! You get free shipping anywhere in the US and Canada, but there is sales tax applied to certain states. 

Click here for more Barkbox reviews!

Hehe. There were better pictures of him, but not any that were cuter.

And someone is posing.

The monthly theme.

Possible included toys. My box's theme was Graze Anatomy, which Grey's is actually one of my favorite shows!

Sniffoscope ($10.00) - I had way too much fun putting this on the boys and making them wear this around. Murphy loved ripping up the rope and they played tug of war with this until it was in pieces. Win!

Dr. Savannah Hippo ($10.00) - Trumpet loved this. It was the perfect size for his little body and he loved having it tossed for him to catch.

Piggie Puffs ($5.00) - These had a nice crunch but not so hard that Trumpet didn't like them. They were a little stinky but not so bad that it wasn't managable.

Piggies in Blankies ($5.00) - These were good and chewy, so both boys loved them. I like that it had some healthy veggies in the ingredients rather than just junk, too!

Thinkers Duck Recipe ($3.00) - This is another of those hard chews that can't be broken in half, so I gave it away. They're still too greasy for the boys to chew as they still eat their chews on the bed and I don't like greasy chews on my bed.

This box was valued at $33.00, average for the box. I loved the theme and am glad that I received this particular box because of my love of Grey's!

As always, let me know what you thought of this box in the comments below!


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