Notoriously Morbid Advent Calendar 2019 - October 24th Review | Frankly Kiersten Reviews
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It's finally here, Notoriously Morbid's Advent Calendar for 2019. The inspiration for this year's box is Ghostbusters, a theme we can all appreciate and reminisce over, because really, who you gonna call? The Advent Calendar spans over 13 days started the 19th and includes an item a day until Halloween. The box itself was $75 and this is the third year of it!
Use code 'KMRAMBLINGS15' for 15% off your purchases!
Don't look below this if you don't want to be spoiled.
Info card.
Stay Puffed (Lip Scrub) is a vanilla and something scented lip scrub.
I tried to place this scent and so did husband. The website didn't have this listed when writing this (these get written pretty early, yay for being able to a morning person!) so when it does get updated, I'll add to this post. It smells good regardless and I like the NM Lip Scrub formula.
This was a pretty good addition to my collection. I rarely keep lip scrubs because I don't often use them but going into the cold months, it's time to start using one again!
As always, let me know what you thought about today's item in the comments!