Barkbox - May 2018 | Frankly Kiersten Reviews

Links below are referral links. This means if you click my link and make a purchase of Barkbox, I will get a free box in return. Find out more info here.

What is BarkBox?: BarkBox is a monthly subscription box for your favorite pupper. Each box includes five items, two toys, two bags of treats, and a chew. You tell them the size of your pupper and how you want to pay, and then you decide if you want to spend an extra $9/box for an extra toy! It's divided into three sizes, so Trumpet fits nicely in the middle category as 'Just Right.'

How Much is BarkBox?: If you want no commitments, cancel anytime, the box is $29/month. A three-month commitment brings it down to $25/month. Six months is $23/month (billed up-front as $138) and a one-year commitment is $20/month but you get to pay monthly! You get free shipping anywhere in the US and Canada, but there is sales tax applied to certain states. 

Look at that faaaaaace!

I loved this theme from Barkbox! Age of the Furoah is just too cute.

Theme/info card.

Ruler of the Roost ($5.00) - This box came prior to Murphy's arrival but we didn't get around to actually going through treats until Murphy arrived. After we got him, I had to keep an eye on everything we had in the house because of his beef allergy. These passed the test!

Butcher's Block Bones ($3.00) - These, however, didn't pass. Not that I would have given this to Trumpet pre-Murphy because these are greasy and I like my furniture to be as grease-free as possible.

Squeaky Zeke the Beetle ($10.00) - I don't think this has been pulled from the backup toys box, but I know Murphy will LOVE this the second he gets his mouth on it. The legs are rope-like, which is one of his favorite things!

PB & Bacon Sandwiches ($5.00) - Bleh. In real life, this would be super nasty tasting. In a dog treat, it's heaven in a bite. Trumpet and Murphy loved these.

King Nut ($10.00) - RIP King Nut. He died a quick and painful death. He was super cute when he was alive, though. 

This box was valued at $33. I loved the theme and all of the items in it! I can't wait to give Murphy his beetle toy, it'll be AWESOME.

As always, let me know what you thought of this box in the comments!


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