ecoTools Box - January 2018 (Find Your Balance) | Frankly Kiersten Reviews

What is the ecoTools Box?: The ecoTools Box is a monthly purchase (not subscription) with a theme filled with products from both ecoTools and outside brands. There is no specified guaranteed value that I can find but it's always more than the cost of the box.

How Much is the ecoTools Box?: Each box is $50 but if you wait, you can sometimes find boxes still available after the month for a discounted price. There are many boxes currently available that are less than the $50, but I paid $50 for each box.

This box is HUGE. I wasn't sure what to expect but it's massive and a really nice box and it's entirely printed with this gorgeous pattern.

The theme for January 2018 was Find Your Balance. This was the first box that ecoTools launched.

Theme/Inspo card.

Make Life Happen Calendar (Unknown Value) - I love this calendar. It's small so it fit on my desk and had a place all year long. Each month had a different color story and it was just a cute addition to the first box.

Ultimate Air Dryer Brush ($10.99) - Before I chopped my hair off again this year, I wasn't really blowdrying my hair. Luckily I kept this brush and I regularly use it. I like the shape of the brush and the density of the bristles. This is a solid brush that I would definitely repurchase.

Start the Day Beautifully Kit ($12.99) - I never really had a ton of ecoTools brushes before purchasing these boxes. That bigger brush in the middle is a great blush brush, it picks up product well without digging into the pan. The two eyeshadow brushes are really good as well. The only brush I don't regularly use is the foundation brush on the right end and that's solely due to how I apply makeup.

Fresh Start Brush Cleansing Kit (Unknown) - I use a Sigma Brush Cleaning Mat so the cleaning base wasn't super useful to me. The brush included is a nice brush for contour and I like the brush cleaner.

Relaxing Sleep Mask ($4.99) - If you don't have a sleep mask, you need one. It's great for naps if rooms are too bright or if you like to sleep on a plane and need it darker (can't relate). The inside is really soft so it feels nice on your eyes, not too scratchy!

Hair Ties (Unknown) - These are good as long as your hair isn't too thick. Mine almost is, but I still can use these. I like that they don't pull my hair and overall just do a good job at what they're supposed to do.

Batiste Dry Shampoo ($3.99) - This smells somewhere between chemicaly and a tropical drink. I don't hate this dry shampoo at all. It's not my more favorite that I've ever tried, but it's really good and it's great considering it's drugstore!

Somehow not pictured: Juice Beauty Hydrating Mist (Sample) - I don't use this as a hydrating mist (used throughout the day to hydrate your face) but I do use it as a toner. This feels good on the skin and definitely hydrates, doing everything it says it should.

I couldn't get an exact value as some of these items aren't for sale but I do feel that I got my $50 out of it. I was introduced to some drugstore brushes that are really good and a good toner that I otherwise wouldn't have found.

As always, let me know what you thought of this box in the comments!


Target Beauty Box - January 2018 | Frankly Kiersten Reviews


Barkbox - January 2018 | Frankly Kiersten Reviews