Barkbox - December 2017 | Frankly Kiersten Reviews

What is BarkBox?: BarkBox is a monthly subscription box for your favorite pupper. Each box includes five items, two toys, two bags of treats, and a chew. You tell them the size of your pupper and how you want to pay, and then you decide if you want to spend an extra $9/box for an extra toy! It's divided into three sizes, so Trumpet fits nicely in the middle category as 'Just Right.'

How Much is BarkBox?: If you want no commitments, cancel anytime, the box is $29/month. A three-month commitment brings it down to $25/month. Six months is $23/month (billed up-front as $138) and a one-year commitment is $20/month but you get to pay monthly! You get free shipping anywhere in the US and Canada, but there is sales tax applied to certain states. 

I swear he likes me. He sleeps on/next to me nightly and actually loves me...he just is tired of pictures.

I love the special boxes.

We watch A Christmas Story every Christmas (doesn't everyone at this point?) so this is so perfect.

Central Bark Skaters ($10.00) - These are adorable. They are connected but kinda bounce back together if you pull's weird. This hasn't been given to the dogs yet (they have so many toys and I refuse to give them a ton of toys at once) but I can guarantee this will be loved by Trumpet (humble brag, I know my dog). I've considered separating these because the dogs don't do tug of war anymore and that way they'll have two toys!

It's a Wonderful Lamp ($10.00) - This is perfect for Murphy. We got this way before we rescued Murphy but I'm so glad we kept this put up. He loves everything rope so this is absolutely perfect for him. It squeaks, it has stuffing to pull out, and it's a rope, a triple win!

Eight Morsels Oinking ($5.00) - These are a little bigger and tougher than Trumpet normally likes. He still ate them, but he wasn't the biggest fan. This was cracked open PM (post Murphy) and he LOVED these. I love the name of these and they didn't make the puppers' breath smell too much like a pork chop.

Dynamic Chewo ($5.00) - Trumpet LOVED these, on the other hand. They're chewy and taste super good apparently. Murphy couldn't have them because they have beef and poor baby is allergic. I was under the impression that Barkbox sent treats without beef so I didn't realize he couldn't have them until way too late (poor baby).

Duck Chew ($3.00) - These are generally a pass because Trumpet doesn't like these. I haven't tried Murphy with one but I've been considering it for the next time one comes in now that we have Murphy. This one was passed along to a family friend that has big dogs that love these tough chews.

This box was valued at $33 and the curation of it was perfect! I wish that since they did a A Christmas Story themed insert that the box would have been based around it too but that's my own selfishness. I love the Dogmas in the City theme and everything was or will be well loved.

As always, let me know what you thought of this box in the comments!


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