Tonic Polish - Berried Un-Teal Spring Review | Swatch My Stash

Hey, y'all. Polish Pickup is officially done and it's back to business as usual for me. I did take a real-person, adult job so I'm going to try to be frequent with posts but I'm also adulting so here's a sorry if things aren't super smooth for the next little bit. This polish was a group custom for the SHIMMAHS Group from...a while ago. Still, it's a stunner that deserves attention.

Berried Un-Teal Spring is a berry creme with a teal shimmer. (As the name suggests).

Brush macro.

Glossy nail macro.

I love the contrast of a pink/purple with some sort of a light blue shimmer (or reversed), so of course, I was grabbing this up. It also was a super easy application without any issues, a total plus.

Looking at this swatch makes me much happier with my current shorties. My nails gave up after PPU and they had to be cut off, but this swatch gives me life.

Matte nail macro.

Even matte, the shimmer LIVES. I love this polish and if you find it in a FB group, I highly suggest you getting it.

Formula: Very good.
Coats Used: Two coats.
Ease of Dry: Normal.
Texture: None noted.
Finish: Shine.
Removal: No issues.
Top Coat Used: Glossy/Matte.

As always, let me know what you thought of this polish in the comments!


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