The Naked Dog Box Review + Coupon Code

What is The Naked Dog Box?: The Naked Dog is a dog food subscription box where you can get your pup's food delivered to your house every month. You choose how much food you need each month, how many dogs you have, how much your pup(s) weigh, what's important to your pup, and what protein you prefer.

How much does The Naked Dog Box Cost?: The box starts at $30/month (7lbs/month) and goes up to $59/month (28lbs/month). You can get $10 off your box with code RAMBLINGS10.

I wasn't sure how big the box was going to be but man, was it big. (I don't know what I was thinking, it is a dog food subscription after all.)

I love the little extra like this print on the box.

Info card.

To show what kind of ingredients are in their food, I figured I'd put this in. It's not necessarily the fanciest food I've seen but it's on par with what I feed Trumpet regularly.

This is a little cut-out project to make a bowtie for your pup - so cute!

Our scoop was 6 oz, the recommended serving size for Trumpet. We have to feed Trumpet more frequently throughout the day and we also don't feed him 12 oz of food per day, so the scoop itself is pretty useless. The food, though, Trumpet LOVED. We first tried him with a few bites and he scarfed it down like he'd never been fed before. Ironically I recently found a small baggie of the food that remained from when I took this photograph and so Trumpet was able to enjoy it a few more times. 

Also included with our press box was a bag of treats. You can choose when you're ordering if you want to add on goodies, so you don't have to go to the pet store if you don't ever want to (a safe decision for someone like me that's tempted by the rescue animals every time I go).

Overall I really loved this subscription. The concept is perfect, your life becomes more convenient and you don't have to worry about running out of food for your puppers while still feeding them something you know and trust.

As always, let me know what you think of this box in the comments!


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