Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab - Nuclear Winter Review

Another day, another gorgeous polish! Like I mentioned last time, this is from Black Phoenix Trading Post (the brand I found at Dragon Con) which is a sister company of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and where you can find any perfume oil blend you might want as well as the most gorgeous statues and just about anything random and nerdy you could possibly wish for.

Don't forget to check out my review of Blue Dragonscale if you haven't seen it already!

Nuclear Winter is a silver microglitter that's full of blue-silver holographic glitters.

Bottle macro.

Glossy nail macro.

Such a gorgeous polish, I love the way the blue-silver flakes cause the polish to have a slight blue sheen.

More holographic goodness.

Matte nail macro.

Matte the blue-silver glitters pop and this polish almost looks blue.

For how dense this polish is and with how many microglitters, it actually dried fairly smooth and with minimal texture. Shown is three thin coats, but two could be used if you use the sponge technique. Nuclear Winter dried to a matte finish so top coat to your preferences!


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Ipsy Glam Bag - September 2016