Pet Gift Box - August 2016 + Coupon Code!

What is Pet Gift Box?: Pet Gift Box is a monthly pet subscription box, with the option of dogs or cats! For dogs, there's three options for size and you tell them the name and gender of your pet, regardless of cat or dog.

How Much is Pet Gift Box?: Pet Gift Box is $28.99/month and gets less expensive with longer subscriptions. Get 50% off with code rambling off your first box! Now you can sign up for a year, but still pay month-to-month, only $18.99/month!

See more Pet Gift Box reviews here!

My attempt at taking a picture with Trumpet and his box. Behind the scenes, this was the 12th photo I took and I was holding a treat behind the camera to keep his attention.

Info card.

Big Bakes Cookie ($5.99) - Sadly this cookie just wasn't right for Trumpet. It is far too hard and Trumpet wouldn't eat it until I broke it up with a meat tenderizer. Even with the smallest pieces I could get, he wasn't entirely interested in it. We've come to the decision that he really only likes chewy treats (other than Milkbones or Greenies) so that's what we've been purchasing recently.

Fire Hydrant Toy ($9.99) - This is a really cute floating and squeaky toy made of foam and is supposed to be soft yet durable. Trumpet didn't like it (he's weird about squeaky toys and this one just didn't meet his standards) so I gave it to my mom and her two puppies. Apparently it isn't as durable as it's meant to be and was destroyed by a two month old dachshund/chihuahua mix shortly after it arrived at their house.

Fire Hose Crinkle Toy ($11.99) - Oh my, he loved this toy sooooooo much, and it lasted for quite some time. It has a bottle-type thing inside which came out pretty quickly but otherwise, it lasted for over two weeks. Any toy that lasts a week in this house instantly is worth the money and I'd definitely pay $12 for another one.

Smoked Beef Treats ($6.25) - Yay for chewy treats! Any chewy treats work for Trumpet but he really likes meaty chewy ones. These went up rather quickly and would be considered for repurchase if we run out.

Not included in my box was a Rescue Me Decal, which would have been so cute! I still have a car magnet from last year that was about rescuing dogs and this would have been the perfect addition. 

My box was valued at $34.22, which is lower than their estimated value due to the lack of one item. The box cost is still great for the items received and for Trumpet's enjoyment.

Do you get a subscription box for your animal? Let me know which one in the comments!


TacPack - August 2016


Play! by Sephora - August 2016