Blue Apron Part 2 + Coupon!

This box was sent to me in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own.

What is Blue Apron?: Blue Apron is a weekly meal subscription box where you get to pick what meals you want to get each week or you can skip if you aren't interested that week. There's two options, a 2-Person Meal Plan where you get three meals per week with the perfect portions for two people each or the Family Plan where you get two or four meals made for four!

How Much is Blue Apron?: Blue Apron is $59.94/week ($9.99/serving) for the 2-Person Meal Plan, $69.92/week ($8.74/serving) for the 2 Meal Family Plan, and $139.84/week ($8.74/serving) for the 4 Meal Family Plan. Like I mentioned before, you can skip any weeks you aren't interested in and you are able to cancel any time! If you want to get your two meals free, click here!

All three meals came in a box with everything perfectly separated. The fresh ingredients were at the top of the box and were separated from the sealed meats on the bottom. The ice packs were still very much frozen when the box came in, so the food would have been fresh had I not brought the box in when they arrived. The little extras beyond the fruits, veggies, and meats were bagged and labeled for each meal. It was an easy way to figure out what was needed for each meal! If you want to see my first meal from Blue Apron, click here.

After trying my Steak, I was curious to try Spicy Korean Chicken Wings with Rice Cakes and Baby Bok Choy. As you can see, this recipe doesn't have a ton of ingredients, so I was curious to see how the flavors would combine.

Easy enough, you just roast the wings. You make the sauce by hand, which was super easy to do. We ended up using all of the gochujang, which you're only supposed to do if you want it spicy. I gave my husband the option, and he said to go for it. I like being able to make your own sauce, rather than something pre-packaged. It's nice to be able to control the flavors, if you have food concerns or don't want it to be too terribly spicy or if you want it super spicy!

After making the wings and letting them cook with the sauce, I made the rice cakes and bok choy. I have literally never made rice cakes or bok choy, so I wasn't sure how hard it would be. Turns out, it's super simple. The rice cakes only have to be cooked for a couple of minutes and then you just cook the veggies with the rice cakes! One of the easiest things I've ever done.

Final thoughts: The recipe is great. We loved the rice cakes and bok choy, and the sauce wasn't even all that spicy. The wings, however, were far too fatty. They're typical wings, so you have drumsticks and wings, but they were mostly fat with a bit of meat. Had the wings had more meat, or been boneless wings, it would have been perfect. The amount of food is not enough for two people, husband ate it all and was still hungry. That being said, the recipe was perfect and I will be remaking it, but in a higher quantity. 

If you want to get two meals free with your subscription, be sure to click here! If you do, let me know what meals you get and how they turn out!

As always, let me know what you thought of this box in the comments!


FrenchBox - October 2015


NatureBox Review