Mystic Muse Monthly - June 2015 (Last One)

What Is Mystic Muse Monthly?: Mystic Muse is an indie nail polish brand that has started putting out a monthly subscription box that has exclusives to the box only! Each month will have two full-sized polishes as well as the chance of extras. See my past Mystic Muse reviews here.

How Much Is Mystic Muse Monthly?: It is $24.00 per month. With your subscription, you get an exclusive code for free shipping to be used as often as you order. Also, every sixth consecutive box is free! 

How Do I Get Mystic Muse Monthly?: You can sign up between the first and 15th of every month here. It ships every month on the 18th.

This was my free box, and it's also my last box. More on that below.

The tissue paper they choose every month is so great. 

Information card. It was also rumored that some big extra was being thrown in this month's box, so I became really hopeful for a great box this month.

Polishes all snug in their wrappings.

Without flash.

Tangy - A beautiful spicy nacarat lacquer! Tangy is a orange/red color toned down a smidge for everyday wear.
I didn't absolutely love this color on first look, but I thought it might grow on me after I used it. I'm not a fan of oranges/reds (or really most warm colors) so I was just really wishing it would pick up some of the brown hints I saw in the bottle.

Tart - Our tribute to one of our favorite candies, Lemon Heads! A perfect mellow yellow with a sugary sweet frost.
Instantly, I knew I was going to dislike this. Never have I found a bold yellow that I'm a fan of.

With flash.

With flash.

With the flash on, you can see how thin these polishes are. I used three coats on all nails, and was unable to get something that looked decent. 

Without flash.

Without the flash, the colors do look opaque but the streakiness is still very much evident. I've noticed that Mystic Muse polishes (at least the ones in their monthly boxes) are very streaky and don't level out like most polishes do. 

This glass file was the 'big' rumored extra. I love glass files and I'll use this one, but a few dollar file just isn't a big extra to me. Husband did enjoy his candies, though.

Overall, it has become obvious throughout the six boxes I've received that I'm not loving this subscription at all. I waited out the six months to get my free box (and mostly to hope that something would change). After cancelling (and subscribing to some new and exciting things), I was informed that Mystic Muse is going back to their old formula from before they started the box. I've never experienced this formula so I can't comment on that, but it would take a lot of encouragement to go back to this subscription. There's been too many months with hated or really disliked colors and for the cost, I expect more than two usually bad polishes. 

If you decide to subscribe to Mystic Muse Monthly, be sure to let me know what you think about it. As always, let me know what you thought of this in the comments.


Marvel Collector Corps (Ant Man) - June 2015


Boxycharm - June 2015